Creating and Capturing Value from CE

This event will look at the current state of art and key issues for measuring progress towards a UK CE and the economic, social and environmental benefits of doing so. Areas for discussion include priorities and strategies for:
- How to measure CE at macro, sectoral/city and product scale, and their interactions
- What modelling tools, techniques, metrics and indicators are available and can be used to measure success and steps for translating these into business growth and technological and sector innovation
- Opportunities for creating employment, increasing resource productivity, reducing environmental impact and net zero
The agenda is structured to bring out latest thinking on:
- macro tools such as MRIO and macro-economic tools to model CE material stocks and flows within international/national economy as a basis for scenario assessment, policy intervention and scale
- Value chain modelling and visualisation to provide a picture of whole systems, actors, process and drivers anchored in economic activities for production and consumption for products and services at different scales and geographical scope
- Product and service design indicators that conform to the guiding principles of CE
- Social, environmental and inclusivity measures
The discussion is bringing together stakeholders from the NICER programme, policy, industry, and wider CE communities.
19th November 2021