Dr Melissa Marques-McEwan
Associate Member
Heriot-Watt University
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Melissa Marques is a Research Assistant at the Edinburgh Business School at Heriot-Watt University. As a part-time member of the UKRI-funded Interdisciplinary Centre for Chemical Circular Economy, she contributes to research investigating how moving to a circular economy impacts businesses and what interventions in the wider system are required to accelerate the transition in the chemical sector.
Additionally, Melissa is at the final stages of her PhD which discusses the relationships between circular economy and firm productivity and value creation. Having collaborated with dozens of companies in funded projects in recent years, she has published peer-reviewed reports and academic papers, and regularly presents at industry-focused workshops, webinars, and academic conferences. She also has experience supporting and delivering teaching in systems thinking, managing business performance, and operations management at Heriot-Watt University.