Prof Peter Styring
Policy Lead and Project Co-I
University of Sheffield
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Peter is a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institution of Chemical Engineers and a Chartered Engineer. He is also a former Head of Department of Chemistry at Sheffield.
Peter’s research considers a wholistic approach to the circular economy, drawing on catalysis, synthesis, reactor and process design as well as life cycle analysis (LCA) and techno-economic analysis (TEA) together with policy development and social justice. This covers waste management, carbon dioxide utilisation and air quality improvement. Peter is involved in a number of All Party Parliamentary Groups in Westminster and was a recipient of a Royal Society MP Pairing Scheme award in 2015, pairing with the FCO. Peter contributed to the Mission Innovation ‘Accelerating Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization Technologies’ workshop as panel chair in 2017, which included the publication of the policy report in 2018. Peter will be working on policy development and social justice as part of the centre’s activities.
Email: p.styring@sheffield.ac.uk
Website: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cbe/people/academic-staff/peter-styring