Prof Aad van Moorsel
Project Co-I
University of Birmingham
0 blog posts
I am a Professor in Computer Science, recently working mostly on topics related to financial systems. My group is very interdisciplinary, with computer scientists, psychologists, social scientists and engineers. See for instance the FinTrust project, where we research various aspects of trust in AI-based financial services (https://fintrustresearch.com/). In the Centre for Circular Chemical Economy my group helps in making the circular economy visible to policy makers, industry partners and citizens. We will design and implement a proof-of-concept blockchain based system that allows various parties to make available and access trusted information. We design this system together with the stakeholders for which we will develop it, to assure it fulfils their needs.
Email: a.vanmoorsel@bham.ac.uk
Website: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=FawbTj8AAAAJ&hl=en